It's hard to hear the wind and waves breaking
Tarik Ahlip, Allora & Calzadilla, Saskia Doherty
24 February - 12 March 2016
BUS Projects, Collingwood
Saskia Doherty, Contents for a Time Capsule III, 2016, vitrine, dimensions variable
Allora & Calzadilla, Raptor's Rapture, 2012, Single channel video with sound 23:30 min. Courtesy Lisson Gallery.
Tarik Ahlip:
Woomera, 2016, Plaster and copper on structural plywood with steel frame
Black England, 2016, Plaster and copper on structural plywood with steel frame
Neurological Pathways to Love, 2016, Sandstone
All images: Matthew Stanton, 2016